Saturday, April 26, 2014

To Oz? To OZ!

How could the ground be covered in a sparkling white blanket two short weeks ago ...

... and today be an emerald green carpet?

Oh, right.  I forgot.  I live in Wyoming where if we don't like the weather we just gnaw on some antelope jerky and wait a few minutes.  In Wyoming I can drive to work in a blizzard, struggle to push my car door open as 40 mph winds slam it back into me, fight my way across the parking lot with mascara dripping down my cheeks from the pelting snow, and finally reach the office door where I sometimes even get completely inside before the wind slams it closed on my arm.  A few short hours later, I can walk outside, upright, sun shining, carrying my coat. 

I’m tired of winter.  I’m glad winter is over and the bir...................... ohhhhhhhhhh, nooooooooo….…..did I say that out loud?   Knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood.   

Angus, though?   I think Angus is going to miss winter.



Abby said...

That dog is hilarious.

Art Elser said...

Is that Al walking across your back yard in the second picture? Yes, the time we spent in Casper on Easter weekend was a wonderful example of weather in Wyoming. Saturday was blustery with wind that wouldn't let you get the car door open, and Sunday was a warm, quiet, and peaceful Easter Sunday. A perfect morning for a 90 mph drive down to Cheyenne, where we slowed to what the sign said.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Well here in southern Ontario we had the toughest winter ever and we are 6weeks behind in our crops. Strawberries are just out now.